The State of Vermont offers great earnings potential as you start out in the career. A new HVAC tech can earn over $17 an hour! As you advance in the career, your earnings go up, but they become more consistent with the rest of the country.

One of the benefits of working in Vermont is that you aren’t required to have a license as an HVAC tech or contractor.
Of course, being competent in the field is essential! We’d never recommend skipping proper training and apprenticeships so that you can adequately perform the job. There’s a lot of great opportunities nearby to learn the trade.
Local Requirements
It’s always important to check with local authorities at the city and county level for specific regulations. Montpelier, Vermont’s largest city, follows the state and does not require a license to work in the HVAC field.

You do, of course, need permits for each project. State inspection is required before concluding the project by sealing any part of the project behind walls.
Other localities may have different rules, so be sure to contact the appropriate office to find out.
EPA Certification
The Environmental Protection Agency, on the federal level, regulates working with refrigerants. Anyone who works with refrigerants on any level must have this certification.
One of the advantages of this certification is that it doesn’t expire – once you have it, you’re covered for life, at least under current law.
EPA Section 608 offers various types of certification depending on the equipment you service. There’s also a universal certification that covers all three types. Find out more about EPA certification in this article.
If you work with air conditioning in motor vehicles, you need to be certified under EPA Section 609.
Patrick Henry’s famous quote “Give me liberty or give me death” even applies to HVAC tradespeople in Vermont. While no license is required, be sure to get the best training you can. Being able to provide quality service to your clients will keep them coming back and help you continue to grow as a professional.
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