The Best HVAC Websites and Blogs

| Last Updated: June 15, 2021

We try our best to bring you great content that you’ll find useful. But we’re not insane; we know that there are many other fine HVAC businesses and bloggers out there. We rely on them ourselves and thought it would be good to include a list here of some of the best resources we’ve found so far.

This is an eternal project. We know we haven’t included all the best HVAC blogs and sites – yet. We’ll keep trying to add the best. Do you know of any sites that are important and useful for the HVAC tech, the DIYer, and the homeowner? Drop us a note or leave us a comment, and we’ll check it out! Or if you find that any of our links are broken, please let us know, as well.

We’ve tried to divide this entry into categories – you can find the table of contents just above the article. You can use that to jump to any section that might be of interest, or just thumb through it!

For the Professional

These websites are geared more toward HVACR professionals. They’re accessible to anyone, which is great. But generally, they talk about more technical aspects of the trade.

Heating Help

Heating Help offers a lot of services on their site, including a “museum” of heating history with fascinating photos and images. Their blog, normally written by Dan Holohan, offers great pointers and dealing with all types of systems. But Dan doesn’t limit himself to that. He also tells a great stories – like dealing with the demanding phone call or sitting through the seminar that put everyone to sleep.

The News

The ACHR News offers an enormous range of content, including information on products, certifications and general industry news. There’s even an article on the “Top 40 Under 40” in HVACR. It’s almost like the Wall Street Journal of the HVAC industry, with announcements of new executives and acquisitions. But it also publishes important information and tips that the technician or local contractor will find helpful.

National Air Warehouse

National Air Warehouse is a vendor, but they also have a regular blog with information useful to the HVAC pro and property owner alike. In over three years of consistent blogging, they’ve covered a huge range of topics about almost anything you can think of.

HVAC & Plumbing Product News

This site’s name says it all – they talk about the latest products in the HVAC industry, as well as in plumbing. They include company news as well as product release information and updates. It actually takes the form of press releases rather than reviews. It’s a great way to see the newest information coming from industries.


This is another site dedicated to provided industry news. One nice addition on this site is a whole section just dedicated to upcoming events – mainly conventions where big companies might want to show off their products. But the news section also covers a broad swath of the industry.

Energy Vanguard

Allison Bailes is the main writer on this site, and he provides thorough and somewhat technical analysis of all sorts of HVAC provides he encounters. He’s definitely into his work; it seems he can’t go into a building without spotting what’s wrong – even when he’s not on the clock. The site offers a great deal of practical advice for the HVAC professional.

Refrigerant HQ

Here you can find info on a niche within our HVAC niche. The site deals only with refrigerant-related topics. It includes product reviews, but also information on the latest regulations and some predictions on what’s coming in the field.

NATE Certification

Being able to wear the NATE patch helps to show your competence in the industry. Many employers will ask about this to help confirm your qualifications. They offer a variety of specializations and levels of certification.

HVAC Excellence Certification

HVAC Excellence is another important industry certification. This helps to show that the program you’re attending meets qualifications and teaches according to industry standards.

Green Energy


This page offers great advice for people working with, or interested in, solar energy. Much of it is geared to helping with the business side of things. For instance, there have been articles on marketing your solar business and how to diversify. Another great feature is that they often post reminders about courses and exams that are coming up for the industry!

Newman Consulting Group

Another valuable resource if you are interested in providing the most environmentally-friendly solutions – and we hope you are! Jim Newman focuses mainly on commercial applications. The company consults on LEED and Energy Star projects, and Jim often shares valuable information on the site’s blog.

For the Homeowner

Despite this section’s title, all these blogs would come in handy for the HVAC contractor as well. But if you’re a homeowner interested in learning more about basic maintenance, or trying to understand what your technician is talking about, these are great resources for you, too.

Maytag HVAC Blog

Sometime while sitting around without service calls to make, the Maytag repairman decided to start a blog. Actually, this site says they’re a “licensed partner” of the Maytag brand. But it definitely offers important topics for every homeowner. They’ve covered basic maintenance that anyone can (and should) be doing, as well as how to set your thermostat properly for each season – and much more!


Looking for extensive brand reviews and want to get an estimate? This is the site for you. WebHVAC says they partner with both major manufacturers and local contractors to be able to provide quick estimates based on your location.

Central Heating and Air Conditioning

Cleveland rocks – and so does this site from a local HVAC business. Blogger Stewart Unsdorfer writes on a myriad of topics of interest to the homeowner, including checklists and guides of what to expect when upgrading your system. For the technician, this can help serve as a guide for what to talk to your clients about, too.

High Performance HVAC

Another site for a local company, you’ll find product reviews and helpful tips for AC, boiler and thermostat troubleshooting. It’s also great to see that they’re involved in several charity projects, including raising money to assist victims of Hurricane Harry and to support scholarships for HVAC students.

JC Heating and Cooling

Based in Illinois, JC Heating and Cooling offers great HVAC service as well as a fantastic website. Especially impressive is their HVAC Educational Guide, which brings together all kinds of resources and links to other pages where you can deepen your knowledge and get the information you need.


Subtitled “Cooling and Heating Guide”, this is a site dedicated to provided brand reviews on heat pumps, ductless systems, geothermal heat, furnaces, boilers and gas/electrics packages. When you’re in the market for a new system, it’s a great place to look. Not only does it offer reviews; it also looks at averages prices for units.

One Hour Air Conditioning and Heating

If you need to call on them for emergency service, you’ll easily fill the wait just browsing and learning from their blog. This company has franchises throughout the USA. And their blog reflects it – they touch on topics that affect almost all climates, and even such issues as caring for your HVAC system when you have pets!

Home Sense Heating and Cooling

This Indianapolis-based HVAC service provider writes about topics addresses general care of your system and what gets done during maintenance. They also provide great energy-saving tips for getting through the year.

Canoga Park Heating and Air Conditioning

Looking for some easy tips on taking care of your home, especially your heating and cooling systems? This California company provides great material to help remind us all what we need to do to keep everything in tip-top condition.

Sila Heating and Air Conditioning

This family-owned business includes great advice for homeowners for taking care of their HVAC systems. Based in the mid-Atlantic and New England states, they’re definitely accustomed to both bitter cold and hazy, hot and humid weather. That helps them put together a wide range of info that can be useful to property owners.

Action Air

Action Air works in both the residential and commercial sectors as well as doing solar installations. That gives them a breadth of experience and knowledge not seen at every company, and they share it with clear advice through their blog.

Cool Today

Florida’s Gulf Coast definitely has more than its share of humidity, and this Tampa-based company seems to know how to handle it. One of the nicest things about their blog is that they don’t limit themselves to just AC, but also touch on some general electrical points, such as the proper use of 2- and 3-prong outlets, and much more.

Roth Heating and Cooling

We’ve looked at sites from the center of the US and three of the four corners. Roth is a great one to finish off that last corner. This Portland OR company provides sound advice on equipment maintenance and installation, as well as providing heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical service in the City of Roses.

Service Champions Heating and Air Conditioning

Let’s face it – Service Champions has been at this blogging thing for a long time, and they’ve really got it mastered. Their site has entries dating back to 2009, and they’re filled with great advice about the proper care and upkeep of your HVAC system.


The City That Never Sleeps definitely has a lot of space that requires HVAC service. Arista helps provide it. Most of their blog entries dealing with commercial space. They provide important information on how to properly maintain your systems – and how to do so economically. That’s an important factor for any business!

Ragsdale Air

In the Atlanta area, many residents turn to Ragsdale. Online, they provide great advice available to everyone. They focus not only on HVAC but also plumbing and electrical. They also make the site approachable and “human”, with interviews with different members of the team.

Here you’ll find not only a great blog, but also many other useful sections. Among these are a contractor directory, and downloadable guides on various topics. They’ve also got an extensive FAQ page that covers a wide range of questions you may have about your own heating and cooling system.

Stay Comfy Heating and Air Conditioning

Another local company, Stay Comfy provides advice and product reviews on heating and AC units. With branches in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, they provide fantastic information. There’s even a checklist so you can prepare for your meeting with your contractor!

All Systems Mechanical

All Systems Mechanical serves the northern Los Angeles County area and is proudly veteran-owned. Their blog offers a fantastic guides to pretty much all aspects of heating and cooling. It includes in-depth brand reviews and shopping guides. Definitely worth following!

Constellation Energy Resources

Constellation is a green energy company and offers easy-to-understand flowcharts and infographics to help understand systems and the steps we can take to protect the environment, save money and make the best purchases. It’s a great resource for anyone interested in understanding their HVAC system better!


Serving Philadelphia’s suburbs as an HVAC contractor, ComfortPro also serves the whole online community with their outstanding blog for consumers. Their well-written posts answer some of the most common doubts and concerns about heating and cooling.

Metro Heating

Minnesota’s Metro Heating actually did an interview with us not too long ago, which was a real pleasure. They cover great topics on their blog in an approachable manner. They also publish frequently, which is another aspect of a great blog. Definitely worth adding to your weekly reading list!

Government Sites

Every state has its own information regarding licensing and contracting, and we’ve tried to cover that in our state certification articles. But here are some other important ones to help with federal guidelines and energy-saving tips

Environmental Protection Energy – Energy and the Environment

This section of the EPA’s website is a portal to various resources. It talks about how energy is generated and the impact on the environment. It includes links to calculate your own carbon footprint and provides suggestions for how to make positive changes. It also helps explain the effects of making changes to emissions. Blog Portal

Here you can find numerous blog entries about making improvements to your home to save energy. It’s conveniently divided into categories like “Heat & Cool”, “Weatherize”, “Design” and “Save Electricity & Fuel”. You’ll find tons of useful hints to help keep more green in your wallet and contribute to a greener world!

Environmental Protection Energy – Section 608 Information

Refrigerants help protect our food and keep us comfortable, but they are also harmful chemicals. This page is the portal to all the information you need if you are an HVAC technician who needs to buy or otherwise work with refrigerants.

Environmental Protection Energy – Section 609 Information

Similar to the entry above, this page deals with federal regulations regarding refrigerants. In this case, it specifically pertains to Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning (MVAC).


We know we’ve just uncovered the tip of the iceberg with this list of the best HVAC resources and blogs. Some or all of them may prove useful to you. And we’ll continue be adding more so check back often!

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My name is Bob Wells and I am a retired HVAC tech from Washington state. I am currently retired and no longer do much with HVAC, however, I feel like I have a lot of knowledge in the subject and I wanted to create a website where I could talk about what I've learned and help upcoming HVAC techs. Find more info about me and HVAC Training 101.

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